There’s no avoiding negative comments online. That’s just the reality of operating in the digital space. While social media can be particularly toxic for individuals who suffer abuse and hate, brands are not immune to online negativity. Whether warranted...
Millions of business owners all over the world struggle when it comes to generating a positive image of their company online. Despite their best efforts, they just can’t seem to get momentum behind people expressing positive sentiment. But one simple strategy can...
When your online reputation can take a debilitating hit in seconds, you must have a plan for making sure you not only can deal with it, but recover from any damage that’s been done, warranted or not. This is the essence of online reputation management. What can...
We’ve all seen just how fast word travels these days, and nowhere is that more important to your business than in the world of your online reputation. What took you several years to build can be destroyed in seconds. If you’re not up to pace on why exactly...
Think your online reputation doesn’t matter? Think again! Based on a study by Erik Qualman of, nearly three-quarters of respondents say they trust the info supplied by total strangers online. Further, some 80 percent of consumers have changed...