I always tell clients that it’s important to diversify their internet marketing efforts. I like to draw a comparison between total
Video Marketing Makes You Stands Out
The reason why this is so important when it comes to online marketing is because the landscape of search is changing to include a lot more than websites. At any given time, a Google search will reveal a variety of content pieces that includes news, videos, pdf documents, audio, images, local map listings and more. To gain the most visibility with the limited “real estate” on page 1 of search engines you need to broaden your marketing efforts. Video stands out as one of the most popular methods right now and according to Forrester Research, videos are 50 times more likely to receive an organic first page listing than traditional text content.
Here are some quick points on why video is gaining popularity with businesses for online marketing:
- Making and posting videos is inexpensive
- You can do it anytime, anywhere at your leisure
- The video remains online forever – record once and get performance for years
- Social media and video go hand in hand which creates the possibility for viral spreads of content
It’s also important to note that Google owns YouTube, so there’s a strong connection between the two where search is concerned.
Whether you’ve tried and failed to see results or you’ve never tried video marketing online – don’t worry. It’s time to try it and do it right – use these tips to make sure your video reaches your core audience and gets the views you’re looking for.
Video Marketing Tip #1 – Make the Title Count
Like the headline on a content page, article or blog posts your video titles need the right hook to pull in great traffic. This is important because in search, the title, above all, grabs the attention of the reader. With generic titles, their eyes roll right over it to the next best thing. For the strongest effect, give it a hook and inject keyword to make your title stand out in bold through search.
Video Marketing Tip #2 – Provide Value in your Content
I always talk about providing value, whether its in blogs or videos. This is important because if you’re just a talking head in a promotional commercial then no one cares. They’ll move on and you will have wasted your time. You need to take a few moments to determine who will be watching your videos so you understand what they want and need. What problems do they have? What solution do you know of or can provide? Use video marketing to display your skill and knowledge. This builds credibility and helps you increase your brand recognition whether you’re in Tulsa, New York or the Arctic Circle.
Video Marketing Tip #3 – Include your URL
There’s a lot of great (and free) video editing software out there so you should include many of the now-made-simple video editing features like adding text. During your video, use title boxes or popups in the video to showcase your URL or social media profiles. This is an incredible way to boost your exposure as it puts your URL right in the line of sight for people watching.
Video Marketing Tip #4 – Always Include a Link
Even if you inject your url into the video using software, make sure you provide a link. When posting to YouTube and other similar sites you can add a description to your video. Always start your description off with your site link to drive viewer traffic.
Video Marketing Tip #5 – Spread your Eggs
Don’t lump your eggs in one basket, you need to avoid leaving all your videos solely on YouTube. Spread them around to your blog and other video sharing sites as well as within your website where the videos can apply to a particular product or service you offer. Since the total number of views (including views from a syndicated video) are figured into the search algorithm to determine rank and relevancy, sharing it all over is the smartest plan to gaining the most visibility.
If you’re interested in adding video marketing to your internet marketing campaign but you’re not sure where to start then contact us today at Tulsa Internet Marketing. We can help you create a campaign and supercharge your videos to gain the most local and online visibility.