Have you considered sending out business Thanksgiving cards instead of Christmas cards? Discover how you can stand out among your competitors and create more sales opportunities this holiday season.
Nearly every business sends Christmas cards, but what about Thanksgiving cards? Rather than sending just one more card filling up your customer’s mailbox in December, send a Thanksgiving card to set yourself apart from the rest. It’s an effective way to show gratitude to your customers while creating a low-competition sales opportunity.
Why a Thanksgiving Card Is More Effective
Perhaps you’ve always sent a business Christmas card, and you aren’t sure it’s a good idea to break tradition. Trust me, it will pay off. What better time is there than the Thanksgiving holiday to express your gratitude to your customers? I personally create unique, attractive Thanksgiving cards and place a smaller card inside that contains a promo. My clients display these cards on their mantels and in their offices for their friends, family, and colleagues to see all holiday season long.
Including the promo is optional, but it can be an effective way to boost sales during the holiday season. Either way, you will engage your audience when they aren’t necessarily expecting it and grab their attention before the influx of Christmas cards hits their mailbox.
Thanksgiving Is Coming – Don’t Miss This Opportunity
When holiday time arrives, everyone gets busy. By taking the time to send a Holiday card before your customers get distracted by holiday plans and festivities, you will increase your chance to make a memorable impact and create loyalty. Make sure the money you spend on your 2020 holiday business card counts, instead of paying to have your card buried under a pile on the kitchen table!
Do you need help getting your messaging just right in your Thanksgiving card? Or perhaps you need assistance with planning your business’s annual promo calendar. As always, I’m here to help. Connect with me online now to get started or to schedule a strategy call.