Internet Marketing – Content Ideas for Your Business Blog

by | Sep 15, 2011

One of the most important things you can do for your business to bolster your internet marketing is to internet marketing start a business blog, unfortunately the most common issue facing business owners who are considering a blog is a lack of fresh content.  Either they don’t have the time to keep it updated or they don’t know how to source the material to benefit from the blog.

In some cases, business owners don’t even try because they cannot overcome that initial fear or concern about whether they can create useful content.

We can certainly empathize – over the years we’ve met with numerous clients facing the same issue.  To help them overcome their barriers with creating content for internet marketing we’ve compiled a list of some of the better tips to coming up with topics.

Internet Marketing Tip #1 – Make a Blog Sandwich

You should take the time to setup a Google alert for each of your interests, those things which pertain to your business.  When you get an alert for a really great piece of content, use it as the meat in a sandwich.  Add your own introduction to the content and create a conclusion that brings your opinion to the piece.  Curating content in this manner and citing the source is a great way to draw in extra traffic, provide quality content and build a potential network of linking.

Internet Marketing Tip #2 – Use Blog Lists

Everyone loves lists.  Short lists, just like this one, can be entertaining, informative and easy to read.  Tips that follow a particular keyword theme, like internet marketing, provide SEO value to you while also drawing readers.  If you can answer important questions during various phases of the buy cycle then you can also improve the chances for conversion.

Internet Marketing Tip #3 – Interview on Your Blog

The odds that you’re the only influential person in your industry is fairly slim.  Instead of sitting down with one person and doing a lengthy interview, find a dozen or so names in your industry.  Ask 12 people 1 questions and compile the answers on your blog.  Take the time to come up with a pressing question that will interest your followers and customers.

Internet Marketing Tip #4 – Scan the Comments of Blogs

Read through blogs related to your industry.  If it’s a popular blog you should see a healthy assortment of quality comments from their followers.  Take the core concept of the blog post, mingled with the varying perspectives in the comments, and mash them to try to come at the story with a different angle you can share on your blog.

Internet Marketing Tip #5 – Ask Questions for Blog Fodder

Not in the form of an interview, but in general conversation.  Most people love to talk, and communicating with fellow management staff and employees about the business can bring up a number of topic ideas to use on your blog.  Consider the same approach with customers by asking them what they want to see, common issues they have, their frustrations, etc.

With a little time spent on homework with customer profiles, your keywords, social topics, customer discussions and trending issues you can turn content creating into a very straightforward and simple process.  Use those ideas to fuel your content/editorial calendar and put some fire behind your internet marketing.

Are you facing a challenge with your business blog? Contact Tulsa Internet Marketing for relief from the struggle of content creation.  Whether you need a new strategy or complete management of your content marketing, we can help.

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Clarence Fisher