Green Marketing: Is it time for your business to go green?

by | Apr 25, 2013

With Earth day passing us again, and it’s a great time to consider how Green Marketing can be a effective way to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. This is not only a sensible way to conserve our precious natural

earth day 2013

resources, but it has turned into a hot political and social topic in our communities. The obvious reason to embrace Green marketing would be to manage our available resources with an eye toward good stewardship. Nonetheless, you would be smart to keep your business’s public image in mind simultaneously, for the image it projects may be a deciding factor for many people these days. Many will opt for an eco-friendly choice over another company that doesn’t practice Green marketing on principle alone.

How to attract and appeal to socially conscious consumers

Don’t be shy about promoting that your business is adopting a green marketing initiative. Using the media is an important method for a lot of companies to emphasize their green practices, while boosting their public images and generating positive reputation. According to a report by D S Simon Productions, “media initiatives with a corporate social responsibility focus generates 35-50% more positive media coverage on television, radio, web and social media than comparable programs without the CSR hook”. See about developing “green teams” in your company that can get employees fired up to do their part as well. This can help brand your business as one that really cares about conservation and green marketing. Seek out organizations like EarthShare to help with this.

How Arya Cleaners went green and it worked!

A dry cleaning service in Chula Vista Ca, Arya Cleaners took steps like updating their natural gas burning water heaters with technology that transfers heat from the boiler to the laundry machines, swapping their company vehicle with a fuel efficient clean burning delivery van, and by using wet-cleaning technology that reduced their usage of PERC (perchloroethylene), a harmful chemical solvent used by dry cleaners, by 90%.

These changes resulted in Arya Cleaners being named a Small Business Excellence Award Winner, being a Certified Chula Vista Clean Business, and receiving the Mayor’s award for excellence in 2009 for green friendly business practices. Arya has clearly succeeded in branding themselves as an eco-friendly business. The strategies will vary for each industry, however the results can be well worth the effort!

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Clarence Fisher