3 Local Marketing Tips You’re Not Using but Should Be

by | Sep 1, 2017

Never underestimate the power of local marketing!

Studies have consistently shown that around 80 percent of local mobile searches lead to a purchase within one day. This statistic alone showcases how important local marketing is to a business. It’s so important, in fact, that most businesses engage in this promotional tactic in one way or another. And while most businesses may think they have a strong strategy, there’s a good chance they haven’t tried these three local marketing tricks that they (and you!) might not be using, but should.

Use Facebook to Share Online Reviews

online review

A full 88 percent of people trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations. This raises the question of why business owners aren’t sharing these reviews on social media. It’s easy enough to take a quick screencap and upload it to Facebook. This will remind people about exactly why they followed the page in the first place, while bringing in new customers through engagement.

Get Creative with Social Responsibility

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At this point, it’s close to common knowledge that displaying social responsibility is a great way to attract local customers. Also, while donating time or money is always a plus, getting creative with social responsibility can pay increased dividends.

If a charity event is approaching, for instance, a business owner could print out certificates promising a $5 donation to the charity if the certificate is redeemed at the business along with a $15 purchase. Instead of just impressing consumers with philanthropy, this will motivate them to make an actual visit to the store.

Create Content Relevant to the Area

It seems obvious that content should be focused on the business or industry that created it. This is true, but another great local marketing tool is to create non-related content that’s focused on the surrounding area.

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For example, hotels can post content related to local attractions; wedding planners could post about nearby tuxedo rentals, and restaurants could post about locally-sourced food providers. This will let people know that the site is a local resource, and search engines will recognize this as well. All of these will have a positive impact on awareness, visibility, and traffic.

Local businesses must engage in local marketing. After all, the name says it all. Using only the same techniques as everyone else, though, can prove fruitless. When it comes to local marketing ideas, just a little thinking outside of the box can go a long way towards success.

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Clarence Fisher