3 Annoying Online Marketing Ploys That Are Chasing Off Customers

by | Sep 22, 2017

Did you know that by using certain online marketing tactics, you are chasing off customers?

When using offline marketing methods, it’s hard to ensure that a large audience is reached. After all, only so many people will be driving past that billboard, or watching TV when an ad spot is played. Since 87 percent of Americans do use the internet, online marketing is obviously essential. However, you don’t want to annoy loyal and potential customers or drive them away. Try to avoid these annoying online marketing ploys.

Gating Content

landing page

It’s important to know that using gated content isn’t always a bad thing. If a company spent money on a study or wrote an eBook filled with valuable information, gating the content is typically smart. If the business is gating the majority of their content, or requiring info in exchange for content that’s freely available on other sites, they’re going to drive potential customers away. Local businesses should use content gating sparingly and only when appropriate.

Auto-Posts from Facebook to Twitter

Autopost on Facebook and Twitter

Marketing automation is an amazing thing. Marketing managers or budding entrepreneurs with a flair for digital can use automation to keep social media pages engaging even when everyone is hard at work. This automation can become quite annoying, though, if a business auto-posts their Facebook statuses to Twitter.

The simple fact is that the two platforms are very different. While tweets auto-posting to Facebook aren’t quite that bad, Facebook posts showing up on Twitter can look terrible. Having six back-to-back tweets informing customers a Facebook status has been shared, or that content is available on a separate platform, just becomes annoying after a while.

Advertising Pre-Recordings as ‘Live’

Facebook live trending

It’s okay to remind people that a live webinar is quickly approaching. It’s also alright to share pre-recorded webinars. It is never okay, however, to lie about the content. People can tell if a “live” video isn’t really live. Once they take note of this, a company will immediately lose any trust they could’ve garnered.



While these tactics might still be in heavy use, it doesn’t mean that they’re creating happy prospects. Effective marketing can take a long time to build up, but it only takes a mistake or two to ruin things.

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Clarence Fisher