Why Should You Give SMS Marketing a Try?

by | Jun 2, 2013

SMS marketing, which stands for simple message service, has shown to be a feasible substitute for email marketing. It’s getting harder and harder to find people who are not using text messages in one form or another, and they are not only the world of pre-teens.

Why you ought to give SMS marketing a good look

The primary reason sharp marketers are giving text messaging a shot is due to the way the medium causes individuals to respond. According to CallFire SMS text messages possess a 98 percent open rate and a monstrous 83 percent are opened within the first three minutes! What is more, promotions using SMS are found to be used at 20 percent or higher, compared to traditional media such as coupons, newspaper ads, radio, or direct mail, which average rates of two percent. Not just that, CallFire further reports that the return on investment can be far greater than in more traditional media. With a monthly cost of less than $30 to send 1000 text messages, and redemption rates of 20 percent or more, it works out to less than .30 cents per customer in your door.

4 Tips for successful SMS marketing campaigns

  1. Deliver value – Whatever you’re texting them about, insure that it is worth their time! Deliver value, financial or otherwise, with your message.
  2. Keep it short, sweet and personal – Personalizing your texts and keeping them friendly and brief is a good recipe for success with SMS. Something along the lines of, “Hi Mandy, thanks again for shopping with us! We look forward to seeing you again soon. Show this msg to receive 20% off your next purchase at [STORE NAME & PHONE NUMBER].”
  3. Use a call to action – Lest you forget to do so, here’s your reminder: ask for the desired action! For example, ask them to “Text SaveNow to 123456 to get a 10% off coupon today.”
  4. Measure your campaign’s results – Mobile text messaging is excellent for as it gives you a wealth of ways to measure how your campaign has been doing. You can see how many people opened, followed and took action, and what action they took.
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Clarence Fisher