Last weekend Tulsa Internet Marketing Service had the pleasure of sponsoring and attending the Man Up Bootcamp entrepreneurial seminar at the Renaissance Hotel here in Tulsa. It was amazing! Clifton Taulbert’s story had me in tears during the first thirty minutes of the event. Inspiration was not hard to find there.
Clay Clark gave enough real life, take this and use it today, sales tips and techniques to push your business to the next level if only you went home and put them into practice immediately.
Coach JC did what coaches do and motivated you to think bigger, take no shorts and make no excuses. Lori Montag, being the visionary that she is, told of juggling family and an idea that she could have it all before she had anything.
We also heard from Blake Ewing, Former Tulsa Mayor Kathy Taylor and Award winning franchise developer and founder of Oxifresh Carpet Cleaning, Jonathan Barnett. The 8 hour long seminar seemed to last only one hour as tt was jam packed with news we could use today
Man Up Bootcamp- Lessons In Entrepreneurship
Here’s just a few of the notes I took from Clifton Taulbert’s presentation.
- Build A reputation that you will always do what you say you will do
- Stay future focused at all time
- Know where you’re going & Travel with a successful crowd.
- Bought his latest book Who Owns The Ice House
- Be able to not only say “I can” but also “I will”
- Provide what people need. What you customers like. Not what you like.
- Your work Cannot be a burden for you
- Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things
- You don’t have to settle for what you see!
More Man Up Bootcamp On The Way!
I’ll post some of my other notes from the Man Up Bootcamp as the week progresses. I think the point is, if you get a chance to attend the next Man Up Bootcamp, you should do so without a doubt. You will be so glad you did! We are. Find out more at