Be Funny, Sell More

by | Aug 24, 2013

Okay, here’s a little freebie for someone out there.

It’s completely mystifying why some sharp home decor company hasn’t used humorists Oscar Wilde’s last words in their advertising: “Either this wallpaper goes, or I do.” Basically humor sells.

It puts folks in a very good frame of mind, and effectively disarms them to where they forget you’re really trying to sell them something.

Art Linkletter wasn’t kidding when he opined that laughter is the best medicine, and it could be just the prescription your company is searching for!

4 great ways to use humor in your marketing!

Take advantage of pop culture – This is a generation that has mostly left the evening news in favor of the likes of Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert and the other night time mavens that have crafted careers around the daily misfortunes of celebrities, sports stars and politicians. It’s all fair game, so don’t hesitate to use your share when you can find a way to make it humorous. Having your audience smiling and in a good spirits right from the start can go a long way toward helping to build rapport with them.

Make a funny video – Portraying your products or services in a humorous light will get people looking forward to your videos curious about what you will do next. Making these doesn’t need to be a major production either, quite a few shoot them on their smartphones, which is by far enough camera. Another good tactic here is to use animated videos with services like GoAnimate or Xtranormal easy to use apps to make your videos quickly.

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Create a visual mashup – A good way to take advantage of both humor and the wicked hot photo-sharing world is to generate a humorous meme. These are practically required on Facebook, and could be a great ice breaker and are capable of being shared all over the place though Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr and other sites.

Use humor in your content – Don’t be shy with respect to getting a little edgy with your content. The payoff will likely be that folks will see you as more like they are, and not just some stodgy company bent on selling them something. The better you connect on a shared (and funny!) level, the better people will like you and share your posts.

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Clarence Fisher